The other exciting thing happening is lots of parents are thinking about getting lovely photos taken of their little darlings in time for Christmas! Nothing is nicer than a little framed picture for Granny! As you know, I have been very busy taking pictures of little people and a couple of weeks ago I whizzed through to Edinburgh on the train to visit my dear old pal Emma and her little man Fraser Bear (he is very cuddly like a big teddy)! Emma runs the online stationery company so when it comes to photography she is very discerning! I always get nervous because she knows what she likes and doesn't mind telling either! Anyway, nothing to worry about as usual and we had a ball. We just chilled out, drank lots of tea and maybe ate a couple of cakes too!
Fraser is 14 months and at that very cute age when everything demands a huge amount of concentration. He was very busy with his toys and his toddle truck which was perfect as he was hardly aware that I was there! He also had lots of cuddle time with his Mum and they read his favourite books together when he needed a little down time. I love photographing Mums and babes when they're at their most relaxed.
The resulting pictures were stunning and Emma cried! Job done I say! I have posted some of my favourites below so I hope you like!
Remember its not too late to have some beautiful and natural photographs taken of your babes. Just call me on 0141 885 2229 or email me on the above email address to find out more. The new website is the place to find lots of inspiring family photography! Go on....

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