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Fiona Xx
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Nina and some knitted things!
I thought it was high time that I got back into the swing of Blogging. I used to Blog often about life out with my photography business but got out of the habit because since Nina arrived I have absolutely no time for anything other than the essentials! Nina is now 21 months and one of my best ever models. I'm not saying she is cooperative, far from it, but when I do manage to get her to stop moving for one teeny tiny nanosecond, the results are usually adorable. I don't think she has ever featured on the Blog (well maybe a wee newborn shot a long time ago) so I think its time for her debut. My very clever mother in law is an expert knitter among other things and we bought her a book of knitted toy patterns. She has been beavering away for the last couple of weeks and at the weekend she sent her creations down for the kids. They are totally amazing and I can't believe she knitted them herself. Nina loves them so we set them up to take some shots to send to Granny. I'm certain there would be a market for cool knitted things...but here's a wee look in the meantime!
Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks - love this song. Heard it everywhere in France a couple of years ago and still love it! Click the link above to hear it!
France - favourite holiday spot!
Grey's Anatomy - it just keeps getting better and better!
Ingrid Michaelson - fabulous singer/songwriter
Point Break - aaaaah - one of the best movies ever!
Peony Rose
love love love Tapas! Cafe Andaluz in the West End is the best place in Glasgow for Tapas!
Lee Child - amazing author of the Jack Reacher series...if you've never read one then get one! A real hero!
1 comment:
Fiona, they are amazing! Your mother-in-law should go into business!
I can't believe Nina has grown up so much. Funny when you don't see somebody for so long and then all of a sudden, they're a little person!
Good to see you're blogging again, they're a great read!
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